Massachusetts Italian Teachers Association
About us
Teaching Resources
Specialized Resouces
Professional development
Workshops and Seminars
Conferences and Call for Proposals
Becoming a Teacher of Italian
Employment Opportunities
Student Programs
Scholarship Winners
La Giornata dell'Italiano
Student Showcase
National Italian Exam
move this world
Useful resources from an expansive digital library, available to all educators for free. School administrators and teachers are welcome to download these powerful free social emotional learning tools to share with students and parents.
Gioghi e attività sulle emozioni
Idee ed attività pratiche da usare in classe per l'esplorazione delle emozioni.
SEL Templates
Download a set of pre-made slides from Pear Deck that are used for SEL lessons.
giochi in classe per sviluppare l'intelligenza emotiva
Idee creative per proporre attività in classe finalizzate al miglioramento delle competenze emotive dei ragazzi.